Partygate: Fines to be issued over Covid-19 lockdown-busting Tory HQ party, says Met Police

Fines to be issued over Covid-19 lockdown-busting Tory HQ partyFines to be issued over Covid-19 lockdown-busting Tory HQ party
Fines to be issued over Covid-19 lockdown-busting Tory HQ party
Police have made referrals for 24 fines over a lockdown-busting party at Tory headquarters during Covid lockdown.

Police have made referrals for 24 fines over a lockdown-busting party at Tory headquarters during the coronavirus pandemic. The fixed-penalty notices related to a “jingle and mingle” event in December 2020 at the Conservative Campaign Headquarters (CCHQ) for activists on behalf of Shaun Bailey’s unsuccessful effort to be London mayor.

Lord Bailey, who received a peerage in Boris Johnson’s resignation honours, has previously apologised “unreservedly” for the event organised by his campaign team, and said it was a “serious error of judgment”.

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